This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The FC 24 season is officially open ✅. You can already start selling in-game currency on DSFUT right now!


You can sell coins using our API in your trader application. On this page you can find information about how this works. If you do not understand what it is about, then please leave the page.

Please log in for details.

General Requirements

POP Method

Allows you to "pick up" one random player from the board. This player disappears from the general board for 3 minutes, during which he must be redeemed.

Attribute Description
game_year Current game version year
console ps or cons – PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
pc – PC
partner_id Your partner ID
timestamp Current Unix time
What is the unix time stamp?
signature MD5 hash: partner_id+secret_key+timestamp

Extra Options

min_buy Minimum player price
max_buy Maximum player price
take_after Take a player who appeared on the board at least X seconds ago

Passed as GET parameters. Example:



PHP code example:


$game_year = "24";
$console = "ps";
$partner_id = "123";
$secret_key = "90de0f9d3f99dc7706fe7bd1c559577e";
$timestamp = time();
$signature = md5($partner_id . $secret_key . $timestamp);

$url = "{$game_year}/{$console}/{$partner_id}/{$timestamp}/{$signature}";
echo $url;

Request example:


The response returns JSON as follows:

    "error": "",
    "message": "1 player popped",
    "player": {
        "tradeID": 269934329468,
        "startPrice": 94000,
        "buyNowPrice": 95000,
        "assetID": 189332,
        "resourceID": 50520980,
        "name": "Alba",
        "rating": 87,
        "position": "LB",
        "expires": 42836,
        "transactionID": 21914,
        "contracts": 7,
        "chemistryStyle": "Basic",
        "chemistryStyleID": 250,
        "owners": 2


Error Description
block Temporary blocking. Applies when a player has been picked up but not redeemed
empty There are no players available for redemption
limit The limit of redeemed players has been exceeded. It is allowed to have a maximum of 3 active players
maintenance The service is temporarily unavailable due to technical work
parameters Parameter validation error. See the Extra Options section
sign Signature verification error. Make sure it's formed correctly
throttle The number of requests has been exceeded. It is allowed to make 10 requests per 10 seconds
ts Current Unix time error

Here's an example of an error response:

    "error": "empty",
    "message": "Queue is empty"

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